Working with 6point6 is a true partnership. Their team had the motivation and drive necessary to help us achieve seamless integration, enabling us to reach a critical and ambitious milestone in transitioning all of our platforms into the cloud.
Mark Brincat
Chief Technology Officer, SHL
Having a true expert by your side at the planning stage is critical but a partner’s real worth is tested when it comes to execution. 6point6 has blasted through with flying colours
Mark Heath
Founder, Open Borders Direct
If we re-imagined Delegated Authority, what would it look like? This is the bold question that we are busy solving with the LMA.
Our consultants, architects and engineers worked in partnership alongside Civil Servants and other Home Office suppliers to jointly achieve one of the largest cloud transformation projects (AWS migration) in Europe. We couldn't be more proud.
HMCTS now has a technical architecture team, supported by 6point6, a specialist cyber security consultancy, to manage the technical risks and issues associated with our systems and applications.
HM Courts & Tribunals Service Annual Report and Accounts
The move into the cloud from a data centre based on conventional hardware was a major milestone but the immutable nature and the speed of the cloud meant the teams were keen to improve the methods and speed of their
build and deployment process.
Mark Debney
DevOps Director, 6point6