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3 things we learnt working through the pandemic
User-centred design
1. Technology brings us together
If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it’s the value of human connection. And while we’ve seen technology come more and more to the fore, it’s aim has been to bring people together.
Enabling human relationships is what technology is designed to do; from the development of ancient writing to the lockdown Zoom boom, information technology is not about robots taking over, but about bringing us together.
Behind the tech are the people. The programmers, developers and analysts, the designers and the architects, all working to make technology work for us. And that’s what’s at the core of the 6point6 Methodology. We aim to define a clear pathway for success, secure your digital transformation and deliver your client needs with an amazing user experience.
2. Communication is key
Humans are at the heart of our industry and at the heart of everything we do. When we work with you, we’re working to help you communicate better, both within your business and with your customers. This will allow you to digitally transform your business by harnessing the power of the data you collect.
In many of the businesses we work with, different teams and departments are working in silos. Often, they’re also struggling with cumbersome legacy systems and technical debt. By listening to you, understanding your issues and embedding ourselves in your business, we’re able to deliver what you need, as well as what you want.
3. Great things happen when we work together
Because we understand the value of people when it comes to getting the job done, we’ll work with you to connect cloud, data, and cyber to engineer and deliver your transformations.
We will explore, analyse and capture your business objectives, user journeys and all their associated high-level business processes. And by looking at the challenges you’re facing through an architecture, data, strategy and design, and engineering lens, we will form a well-rounded and in-depth understanding of your business.
We’re driven by quality and we like a challenge, so we’ll immerse ourselves in your business, get to know your people, have real conversations, and form long-standing relationships. We will engage your team at every step of the process. In most scenarios, we start with proofs of concepts and minimum viable products (MVPs) to show the outcome/return on investment (ROI). And by embracing user-centred design, we create solutions that truly work for your user’s needs, solutions that deliver an incredible user-experience and generate business value.
Start a conversation
We will collaborate with you to design, develop and test our ongoing solution development around the needs and experiences of your end-users whether they are customers, clients or internal staff. The result is a solution that works for your users today and continues to add value into the future.